
What is Microdermabrasion

Years of sun exposure and the aging process take their toll on the skin, creating lines, wrinkles, and changes in texture and color. Not only is the face a likely victim of these changes, but the neck, chest, cleavage, arms and hands may be affected as well. Microdermabrasion can reduce the effects of aging on our skin.

Microdermabrasion is a treatment that improves wrinkles, skin texture and color by removing the topmost layer of skin leaving it more supple and vibrant. Microdermabrasion also stimulates the elastic tissue beneath the surface of the skin resulting in a healthier and firmer appearance. Microdermabrasion treatments are administered by a medical clinician or a trained aesthetician.

A wonderful alternative to laser or chemical peels, microdermabrasion is non-invasive, pain-free, and non-surgical and requires no down time after treatment. The length of the treatment and number of treatments vary depending on skin type and condition. Results are gradual but highly effective. Most people experience softer, smoother skin after their first treatment. 

NewApeel™ system with DiamondTone™ Wands

   History of Microdermabrasion

The ancient Egyptians are said to be the first to use dermabrasion skin care techniques to improve their skin. Kings and queens used alabaster and pumice to remove blemishes and rough spots and make their skin smooth and soft. 

In the mid-90's a skin care technique using aluminum oxide powder for microdermabrasion was developed in Italy. The process uses vacuum and a small orifice to accelerate the powder. Aluminum oxide abrades the skin and the vacuum cleans out blocked pores. 

The NewApeel™ system with DiamondTone™ Wands is an evolution in microdermabrasion. NewApeel™ offers a twenty-first century skin care technology for applying the millennia old technique of dermabrasion. By eliminating the powders and crystals (aluminum oxide and salt) NewApeel™ has made microdermabrasion the clean, controlled procedure it should be. 

After the treatment

Post Procedural Care Instructions

1. No glycolic acid or any other acidic products are to be applied to the skin for 48 to 72 hours after each treatment.

2. Because newly exposed skin will be extremely vulnerable to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, sunscreen must be applied every day during the program and for at least two weeks after the last treatment. Use SPF 15 or SPF 30.

3. Wash face with hands only. A wash cloth may be too abrasive and can cause irritation on new skin.

4. Because this treatment can be somewhat drying, the application of good home use products is important.

5. Only use water base make-up. Oil base make-up can clog pores and even enlarge them.

6. It's expected that in some cases, the skin may break out in the early stages of the treatment. If so, don't be alarmed. This will subside as all the pores become cleaned out and shrink.

7. Peeling may occur. This is expected. A light moisturizer is recommended. Stay away from over the counter heavy moisturizers as they too can clog pores.

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